He can be slowed down with Cabbage-Pult's Tacobility or Caramel Popcorn's caramel puddles, or stunned with Kernel-Pult's butter. Slowing his approach would greatly help while other plants attack him. If a Gargantuar spawns closely with other high HP zombies, such as other Gargantuars, the Plant Food ability of Squash is great to use in such a situation. As such, plants that deal high damage like Bamboo Shoots and instants like Potato Mine and Squash should be used against him. Combined with being Normal-typed, he does not have an exploitable type weakness. Gargantuar's high HP and damage may make him difficult to deal with. Such a good, good zombie." Alas, it never rings. When it does, he'll answer, "Brainz?" and it'll say, Concept art for Heian Age involves the Players House resembling the Palanquin Ship.Gargantuar carries a telephone pole because he's certain that one day it will ring.Onmyoji Zombies Almanac entry references Lucky Star.Ballerina Zombie's Almanac entry has the lyric "旋转, 跳跃, 我闭着眼" to refer to her favorite song, which is "Dancing Diva" by Jolin Tsai, a popular Chinese song.Modern Day's Endless survival level is called Highway To The Danger Room.Beating a level containing All-Star Zombies without any of them tackling your plants nets " You're an All-Star?".Planting Thyme Warp three times gets you " Back From the Future 3".On a level with Weasel Hoarders, if you don't let any weasel jump over floes, you will get " Run Weasley".Beating Dark Ages Night 10 gives you " Hammer Time".Firing off 500 sun via Magnifying Grass gives you " Grass Effect".Blowing away 30+ Jetpack Zombies with a blover gives you the achievement " The Jettisons".Planting 10 Snapdragons in a level give you the achievement " Dragon Age".

One scrapped costume for it is Goldblum's hair and sunglasses.Gold Bloom's name is an obvious Shout-Out to Jeff Goldblum, and its Almanac even references a quote by Goldblum's character, Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park.The All-Star Zombie and the Super-Fan Imp is obviously based on the All-Star and the Imp Punt respectively from Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, one of PopCap's games.The French name for Jurassic Marsh is Mesozoique Park.Sometimes, after defeating a Fisherman Zombie, after sinking into the water, his arm resurfaces for a while to do a thumbs-up.In Big Wave Beach, Crazy Dave paraphrases Bill O'Reilly's infamous "You Can't Explain That" quote:.
Plants vs zombies gargantuar code#